A Guide to Custom Quotes Templates in HubSpot

Published 05 April 2022 09:15
by Julia Pacewicz

HubSpot's got news! The all-encompassing CRM platform just rolled out a new feature - Custom Quote Templates! This brings additional functionality to your Sales Hub - a sales enablement software, which allows you to create custom quote templates to send to your customers.

With editable modules (including personalization tokens), you can now change the design of templates and content to match your branding AND your business’s needs.

Why use HubSpot's quotes? To make your sales process more organized and efficient by keeping all your sales data in one place, collecting electronic signatures and payments, and most importantly - reducing the manual effort by reusing, consistent in design and content, templates. You can really elevate your brand association not only in marketing (using custom email templates, website or landing pages) but even you're closing deals.

"Presenting a brand consistently across all platforms can increase revenue by up to 23%."

(Source: Forbes)


Okay, let's get down to business.

First, I will show you how to get to the quote template customization field in your HubSpot account.

There are two ways:


1. Go to the "Sales" tab located in the main navigation menu and choose "Quotes" from the dropdown menu. Then click on the "Actions" button and select "Customize quote templates. You are now taken to the Quotes settings page.

Sales > Quotes > Actions > Customize quote templates



2. You can also access this page by navigating to the settings icon in the main navigation menu, navigating to the left sidebar menu, scrolling down to Objects (under Data Management). When you expend it, click on "Quotes" and choose the "Customized quote templates tab". 

Settings > Objects > Quotes > Customized quote templates


So, now you're at the Choose a quote template to customize window pop-up. Of course, you are going to select the template by hovering over the image and clicking "Choose".

I will click on the original because that's my favourite.


First things first, to change the internal name of your quote, click on the pencil icon on the top of the page. Now, comes the rest.


Editing the content

When you're on the "Content" tab, on the left you will see the sidebar with editable modules. On the right, you will see the on-page preview of the quote template. Remember! A template is just a model for your quotes. Right now, you're editing the design of how the quote will look like rather than creating a quote. To learn more about how to create a quote, click on this link here to read a HubSpot Knowledge Base article.


"80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from a brand that provides personalized experiences."

(Source: Epsilon)


To edit the module content, click a module from the list. You can add personalization tokens to make your content more personalized for your prospective clients. How to do that? Just hit "Personalize" in the rich text box menu.

Some modules are rich-text based however others (e.g., Line items table) offer more editable properties. Although on the left you will see the entire list of possible modules (without the possibility to change their arrangement, YET!), you can decide to hide a given module if it's not needed, by hovering over the module and clicking on the eye icon.


Changing the settings

In the "Settings" tab, you can change the main settings of your quotes. Besides the template name, consider the quote template domain. Why domain, you ask? Because Quotes, like Documents in HubSpot, are sent to the prospective client via a secure link. This is done to allow for advanced functionality like payments and signatures.

Here, you can also choose the language and locale (meaning the proper format of dates and addresses) of the template.

Then you scroll down to the bottom. And here it's where it gets interesting. When you click on the "Edit theme settings" button, you are taken to a separate page (yet again) to change the color-scape of your template.


"Color improves brand recognition by up to 80 percent."

(Source: Forbes)


So, pick the colors and fonts of your template to make it more appealing to your clients and more in tune with your branding.


PS. To change the logo appearing on the very top of your quote, go back to the "Content" tab, click on the Logo module, and switch on the toggle button "Override default logo in this template".


So that's a short guide on how to customize your quote template and utilize your HubSpot to its full potential! Do you like the custom features but are looking to take your website to the next level? We can help you create custom website / landing pages as well as marketing email templates that will elevate your brand recognition to the next level!


Schedule a FREE consultation


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Julia Pacewicz

Inbound Marketing Specialist

Julia is a RevOps Consultant & Brand Strategist. She received her B.A. in Psychology and Art History from New York University and her M.A. in Heritage & Memory Studies from the University of Amsterdam. Julia's background in humanities has helped her in creating digital experiences for ClickRay's customers.