How Can HubSpot CMS Hub Help Your Marketing ?

Group 538-3

Written at 27 April 2020 12:09 by Szymon Binek

How can the new CMS Hub and Theme-based website help you in your marketing efforts?


Recently HubSpot announced the release of the new CMS Hub, which is essentially a cloud-based Content Management System. As building CMS-based websites is the bread and butter of our business here at Clickray, I decided to share my thoughts with you. In this post, I will explain the key values of the new CMS Hub, including the new Theme-based website building technique, and how they help marketers build remarkable customer experience.


Reducing friction between marketing and IT departments.


Let the marketers take full control of the website while preserving its security and scalability.


The idea of allowing marketers to take control of the website has been around for almost as long as the internet exists. Many CMS vendors attempt to resolve this issue. However, in the end, each one of their solutions ends up being a trade-off between providing marketers with more control of website contents and preserving appropriate security as well as allowing for ease of maintenance and broad scalability. Below is a graph that maps how CMS Hub compares with the other top-performing CMS vendors in the context of scalability and ease of use for marketers.



Mapping Company Growth against Ease of Use for Marketers








On the left side, we see stages of company growth; the company's need for additional functionality increases as we move upwards. However, the level of difficulty for marketers moves along the horizontal axis, from difficult to easy (left to right).


In the upper left quadrant, we see a grouping of CMS vendors that offers exponential scalability, meaning they can provide comprehensive functionality needed when the company is growing. Here’s a list of examples presenting such functionalities:


  • Serverless functions
  • Activity logging
  • Custom CDN configuration
  • Multi-brand domain configuration
  • Dynamic content
  • 99.99% up-time
  • URL mapping
  • Partitioning
  • Reverse proxy support


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The trade-off here is that although they have exponential functionality, these CMS are very rigid and difficult for markets to use as they require developer intervention to do structural changes or create new site pages.


This consequently creates friction between marketing and IT, exposing a major obstacle in company growth as more resources are spent on managing the system rather than expanding customer experience. On the other hand, the lower right quadrant presents CMS that makes it very easy for marketers to create new pages or update content on websites. But the other trade-off here is that these CMS lack the above mentioned functionality, which is required to ensure company growth.


CMS Hub is the only system proficient enough to appear in the upper right quadrant. As a product expressing disruptive technology, CMS Hub doesn’t force you to make a choice between the ease of use and functionality but rather is the only system that enables you to utilize both of the traits.



How exactly is CMS Hub so easy to use for marketers?


Introducing the Theme-based concept of building websites.


With the introduction of the new CMS Hub, Hubspot released a new concept of developing and managing websites. The old concept of HubSpot CMS focused around templates, which acted as the building blocks of website pages. The main flaw in the Template-based approach was that it required more technical skills to make structural adjustments.


With the introduction of Theme-based concept, marketers can now do more with their websites. Themes essentially are the top-level formats that define the look and the feel of a website, providing a marketer-friendly content-editing experience. Themes incorporate a number of digital assets that might include templates, modules, images, and other forms of content.


making a page (1)




So how to go about creating a Theme that will fulfill all the requirements of content creators and marketers? There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Website Themes are custom-built by developers, taking under consideration all the individual needs of content creation.


According to HubSpot:


“A well-crafted HubSpot CMS site should be developed in close collaboration with content creators to understand their needs, and will then require less ongoing support and maintenance from a developer. As you build on the HubSpot CMS, continuously preview how the page building experience looks and feels for content creators. This ensures they can work independently with the site as much as possible.”


Themes provide developers with tools to create the desired content-editing experience for marketers and content creators. Special custom fields can also be designed and built that allow marketers to apply page changes on both global- and local-levels like colors, fonts, and even length and width of modules.




Clickray offers unparalleled CMS Hub development services. Through creating custom-built Themes that improve the overall content creation, Clickray will alleviate your marketers from unnecessary friction and allow them to concentrate on creating desired content. Click this link to schedule a call with our CMS Hub consultant.


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Szymon Binek

Pine Cove Consulting

Szymon, as the main originator and the co-founder of ClickRay, has been with it from the very beginning, that is from 2012. He develops marketing strategies and personally supervises projects, making sure that everything goes smoothly and on time. Szymon has a Master’s degree in Marketing Management. He is responsible for the content-related and business side of projects. To put it simply, he listens to the customers and makes sure they get what they expect. He is always eager to share his know-how and some useful tips with the rest of the team.