ClickRay's HubSpot Templates - The Testing Journey

Written at 15 February 2019 14:15 by Szymon Binek

While our customers work on our templates purchased from HubSpot Marketplace, it occurs that they are stuck on multiple issues and then submit tickets which sound like:

„My template is not responsible on mobile.”
„Why the module view is collapsed?"
"This page is not rendering correctly."

Our products pass the whole testing process: from internal one by staff Clickray testers up to external by HubSpot Technical personnel. Verification and approval pending takes up to two weeks before template appears in the HubSpot Marketplace or returns to us for fixing.


approval pending.png

On this article, we would like to draw your attention to that our templates are made in drag & drop technology according to the best HubSpot coding practices and standards, where all modules can be easily edited from the backend.That means that all the bugs most likely have already emerged during the modification of the page by the client and we can not bear responsibility for this.

That’s why we want to dispel the myth about lack of responsiveness of our templates so have prepared a proof in the form of the testing checklist for you.


  1. Web Browsers


    Currently, we are supporting web browsers which are recommended by HubSpot. To take advantage to all of our templates, we strongly recommend using one of these below. For Windows users, we recommend the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11 and Opera. Please notice that Microsoft recommends using Microsoft Edge as a default browser and supports Internet Explorer 11 for backward compatibility. Versions of Internet Explorer 10 and below which are not fully supported by Microsoft, are not supported by HubSpot's app either. For Mac users, we suggest the latest versions of Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera. It is urged to keep all of your web browsers updated to latest versions to provide best webpage’s rendering for you. In case of willingness, this link will take you to ways of updating browsers supported by HubSpot.

    On our customers’ individual requests, we can provide testing on older web browsers versions supported by Microsoft and Apple. Also, there is a possibility to prepare such pages which will be responsive on older browsers versions as well.


  2. Resolution and Responsiveness


    Clickray testers analyze the resolution and defaulted responsiveness to different types and values. The standard resolutions for mobile is 320px, 375px and 425px. For tablets it is 768px. For laptops 1024px/1440px and 4K technology 2560px is for high resolution displays. Nevertheless, our QA analitysts checking untypical resolutions as well. 

    Besides that, Clickray testers check two leading mobile operating systems. Android system dedicated to mobiles and tablets are tested from edition 4.4. (KitKat) to 8.0.1. (Oreo). Two major mobile Android browsers are also under the testing: Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Versions of iOS assigned to iPhones and iPads are analyzed from version 9.0 to current version 11.0.3. We also are checking two major mobile iOS browsers: Google Chrome and Safari as well.


  3. General testing using the Website Grader


    Our testers perform analyses using the Website Grader powered by HubSpot. They consider the performance’s section which includes page size, requests, speed and redirects, browser caching, compression and render blocking. Furthermore, they check the SEO’s section including page titles, headings, sitemap and meta description. They also examine the templates by their mobile responsiveness and mobile viewport.



  4. Website analysis based on the HubSpot


    Clickray team analyzes templates directly on a for details and optimization. They consider meta description, H1 tags, page title and load, CTA, images and internal links.


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  5. Mailing testing


    Clickray testers take care about mailing analyzing in many standards. For MacOS users they inspect Outlook 2016, Apple Mail and Gmail matching Google Chrome. For Windows, they examine Outlook 2016 and Gmail matching both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 11. For iOS users, they consider Outlook App, Gmail App, and Apple Mail. Gmail App is also tested for Android system.

    Moreover, the Clickray team does the mailing testing supported by HubSpot. For mobile systems, they check Android 4.4., Gmail App (Android), iPhone 5s (iOS 7 and 8), iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s and 6s Plus, iPad (Retina) and iPad Mini. For iOS; Apple Mail 8 and 9, Outlook 2011 and 2016 are tested. For Windows users they examine IBM Notes 9, Lotus 7,8 and 8.5, Outlook 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2013 120 DPI and 2016, Plain Text, Thunderbird 38 and Windows 10 Mail. HubSpot also provides testing WebMail dedicated to Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Windows Explorer: AOL Mail, Comcast, Gmail,, Google Apps,, Office 365,, and Yahoo! Mail. Inbox by Gmail dedicated to Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox is examined as well.



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Szymon Binek

Pine Cove Consulting

Szymon, as the main originator and the co-founder of ClickRay, has been with it from the very beginning, that is from 2012. He develops marketing strategies and personally supervises projects, making sure that everything goes smoothly and on time. Szymon has a Master’s degree in Marketing Management. He is responsible for the content-related and business side of projects. To put it simply, he listens to the customers and makes sure they get what they expect. He is always eager to share his know-how and some useful tips with the rest of the team.