Best Blogs About Website Development [15 Examples]

Written at 31 August 2016 15:14 by Szymon Binek

The Internet is a vast place, and it is not always easy to find reliable help on website development. We are here to help you with our list of 15 best blogs to follow about website development. On these blogs you’ll find interesting, up-to-date information which will inspire and educate you. If you want to know which blogs are worth your time, then keep on reading!

1) Smashing Magazine


Smashing Magazine is a great resource for anyone interested in website development. Here you’ll find a lot of blog posts about coding, web design, UX design, CSS, responsive web design, and many, many more. The posts are very detailed and usually advanced, so beginners may find them a little bit too challenging. But the website is definitely worth checking - if only for fancy wallpapers which can be found in the „Graphics” section.

2) Codrop


Codrop is a web design and development blog with articles about the latest trends and techniques. There you will find a bunch of tutorials involving common web development techniques, as well as ideas and inspirations for solving problems you may encounter as a web developer.

3) Webdesigner depot


WebdesignerDepot offers web design news, techniques, and resources. If you want to learn about the latest trends or read interviews with the biggest names on the web, that’s the place for you. And afterwards, you can relax while reading funny cartoons which revolve around web design and blogging.

4) Envato Tuts+


Here you’ll find all kinds of courses on web design and development. They have almost every tutorial you could dream about. The courses include tutorials about Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Vector, Adobe After Effects, WordPress, mobile development, JavaScript, game development, video editing, HTML, etc. But be prepared for paying for some of these courses.

5) Specky Boy


Speckyboy was originally launched as a personal freelance portfolio and evolved into a fully-grown web design magazine. You’ll find there not only tutorials but also some inspirational art covering web and mobile app design. It is one of the most popular blogs out there, and it welcomes guests posts. So if you’re an inspiring copywriter you can try your luck at writing for this blog!

6) DesignrFix


The content of this blog revolves mostly around web design. The authors share their knowledge about web design and do this through tutorials, how-tos and well-written, easy to follow posts. You’ll also read some news about latest trends in the industry here.

7) Alex Sexton


Alex Sexton is an engineer at Stripe, and is also on Modernizr core team, the jQuery Board of Director and Dojo Foundation Board. He writes about a number of JavaScript related topics and does it in a very clear and easy-to-understand way. On his blog you will also find information about useful tools, front-end development and some pieces of advice on motivation and productivity.

8) Amber Weinberg


Amber is a freelancer specialized in front-end development, WordPress and responsive development. She has guest written for several blogs, spoken and attended events in the UK and the US. As an expert in the field, she enjoys sharing her experiences and resources for better web development.

9) Noupe


Noupe provides readers with news for designers and web developers. The blog has posts on - among all else - CSS, Ajax, JavaScript, typography, advertising, and web design.

10) Cats Who Code


While the name may sound a little bit odd, this website is a great resource for web developers who want to learn some new tricks. Lots of posts on JavaScript, WordPress, and CSS, plus a number of tools and resources.

11) Hongkiat


Here you’ll find a number of inspirations for your future projects. Hongkiat is an amazing source of articles, gift ideas, desktop and mobile apps, tutorials, recommended plugins etc., everything sorted into nice categories. This is one of the most popular sites out there, with 6,5 million page views per month.

12) Hacking UI


Interaction design and front-end development magazine founded by a designer and a developer. The blog has some great posts about UI and design, plus podcasts for those who prefer listening to reading. Definitely worth checking, especially if you are tired of staring at your computer screen.

13) One Extra Pixel


Online magazine and resource for designers and web developers. The blog shares news, tutorials, tips and tools on web design and development. Their goal is to make life easier. Check if they can make your life better!

14) David Walsh Blog


Personal blog of David Walsh who works as a web developer for Mozilla. Topics covered include CSS, JavaScript (MooTools and jQuery) and PHP. Occasionally, there are also posts about personal life. All in all, really worth checking.

15) Inspired Mag


Inspired Magazine was founded in 2009. Its aim is to publish inspirational content, but you will find also a lot of information about WordPress, content marketing, optimization, etc. One thing is for certain - you won’t get bored there!

And that’s the end of our list of best blogs to follow about website development. We hope that now you’ll always know where to search for information about web development. Let us know which blogs from the list you like the most and whether there are any others that deserve mentioning - please share your thoughts via the comment section below!


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Szymon Binek

Pine Cove Consulting

Szymon, as the main originator and the co-founder of ClickRay, has been with it from the very beginning, that is from 2012. He develops marketing strategies and personally supervises projects, making sure that everything goes smoothly and on time. Szymon has a Master’s degree in Marketing Management. He is responsible for the content-related and business side of projects. To put it simply, he listens to the customers and makes sure they get what they expect. He is always eager to share his know-how and some useful tips with the rest of the team.