5 HubSpot CMS Tools For Every Inbound Marketing Agency

Written at 09 September 2016 15:19 by Szymon Binek

Long, long time ago, marketing consisted pretty much of trying to reach as many people as possible and hoping someone would get interested. Of course, it wasn’t completely ineffective as statistically, the more people get your massage, the more chances you have somebody will actually buy your product. However, this meant more floundering around in the dark and certainly wasn’t neither thrifty nor fast way of getting customers. Luckily, nowadays there are tools enabling us to gather and analyze very precise data about prospects, tailor marketing messages to suit their individual needs and interests, and measure the return on our marketing investment. We picked 5 most cutting-edge, must-have HubSpot COS tools every inbound marketing agency should be using for the ultimate success.


No. 1 Robust blogging platform

First of all, HubSpot COS tools were designed for business purposes and developers surely did their best to make busy marketers’ life considerably easier. Thanks to the intuitive modular system and user-friendly layout, content editing is just a piece of cake. HubSpot uses a WYSIWYG editor so you can see how the edited content will look like as you type. Need a blog in several language versions or separate blogs for different niches? No problem! HubSpot COS blogging tool enables you to easily run and manage as many blogs as you like, all from the one place. Moreover, you can schedule your blog posts for automate future publishing. Not only does it save a great deal of time, it also helps you to better organize your blogging agenda.

No. 2 Social media and mailing tools

Ok, obviously HubSpot is not the only decent blogging platform out there. However, what makes it different from other solutions (WordPress for instance) is its ability to integrate with all other marketing tools: social media, e-mail, reporting, etc. So, every time you publish a new blog post, your blog image or meta description is automatically uploaded to selected (or all) social media channels so that your subscribers get immediately notified via social media or e-mail. Within just one dashboard you can promote your personalized content at the right moment to engage more with your audience and assess the marketing potential of every social channel.

No. 3 Smart content

Effective marketing is all about getting to the right person, at the right time with the relevant message and HubSpot COS tool is second to none in this field. It enables you to track your leads, followers, brand influencers and customers along their conversion path and then, adapt each piece of content, forms or call-to-action buttons to particular needs of different groups of prospects. So, whenever a consumer visits your website, social media account or reads your blog post, he sees personalized content depending on where he is in the buying process and his engagement with your company and brand.

No. 4 Reporting and data analyzing tools

Smart content delivery, of course, wouldn’t be possible if HubSpot COS wasn’t equipped with the most effective tracking tools available. The system enables marketers to see all the interactions each visitor had with the company all the way down the sales funnel and thus, to tell what contributes to higher web traffic, conversion rates and ultimately, to bigger revenues. This way you can actually measure how efficient is every single part of your marketing strategy: business blog, social media, CTAs, landing pages, mailings etc.

No. 5 Search engine optimizer

Last but not least, HubSpot COS has the built-in SEO optimizer which basically shows you how to optimize every element on your website for better SEO purposes: image ALT tag, meta descriptions, keyword density, titles, keywords in URL, etc. HubSpot COS SEO tools (link, page and keyword grader) allow marketers to build new, valuable inbound links, track search engine results for chosen keywords and find the most effective ones, and ultimately, to boost website visibility in search engines.

Modern marketing requires holistic, data-driven approach and a well-thought-out tactic. Most up-to-date HubSpot COS marketing tools will help you to build your global strategy, based on solid data analysis and to stay always one step ahead of the competition.





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Szymon Binek

Pine Cove Consulting

Szymon, as the main originator and the co-founder of ClickRay, has been with it from the very beginning, that is from 2012. He develops marketing strategies and personally supervises projects, making sure that everything goes smoothly and on time. Szymon has a Master’s degree in Marketing Management. He is responsible for the content-related and business side of projects. To put it simply, he listens to the customers and makes sure they get what they expect. He is always eager to share his know-how and some useful tips with the rest of the team.